Explore the industries Wave assists such as Agriculture and Oil + Gas

Why Wave

General purpose robots in the oil+gas industry.

Introducing Wave

Gather data on pipeline condition and oil rig functionality. Detect leakages, overheating, and identifies noise anomalies in equipment, thereby identifying issues before they escalate and become safety problems.

Operating in tough environments such as oil and gas refineries, offshore rigs, and petrochemical processing plants, Wave, transforms industrial monitoring.

It effectively addresses rising operational costs and regulatory requirements while minimizing safety and risk concerns. Equipped with four-legged mobility, Wave navigates complex multi-floor industrial sites and withstands severe offshore weather conditions. Wave actively contributes to ensuring plant safety and enhancing efficiency by conducting regular patrols, identifying early indications of equipment problems such as leaks, overheating, and unusual noises. By doing so, it prevents shutdowns and prevents the escalation of potential safety hazards.

Thermal Inspection

Detecting component overheating can determine a $1,000 repair versus a $50,000 replacement. Gathering this valuable information remains challenging in numerous facilities.

Gauge Reading

Perform precise gauge readings, ensuring accurate monitoring of pressure, temperature, and other critical parameters. Make informed decisions, preventing potential equipment failures.

Noise Anomalies

Use the acoustic data captured by Wave to detect instances of abnormal mechanical sounds within industrial environments and pinpoint machinery demonstrating diminished performance.

Wave enhances efficiency and minimizes facility downtimes.


Worker Safety


Monitoring Frequency


Saved per avoided shutdown

Talk to us about how you can put general purpose robots to work in your business with Wave.